$TITLE Appendix D: OLG exchange -- multiple households and bequests *===================================================================== * Introduce intertemporal sets *===================================================================== * The model captures all generations alive in the first model period * (year 0) and all those born in the span of the subsequent 150 years, * where generations are labeled according to the year in which they are * born. The model is solved in 3-year intervals with each new generation * being born at the start of a period and living to the age of 57. SCALARS TIMINT Single period time interval /3/, INIYEAR Year in with oldest generation was born /-54/; SETS G Generations in the model /"-54","-51","-48","-45","-42","-39","-36","-33","-30", "-27","-24","-21","-18","-15","-12","-9","-6","-3", 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54,57, 60,63,66,69,72,75,78,81,84,87,90,93,96,99, 102,105,108,111,114,117,120,123,126,129,132, 135,138,141,144,147,150/, T(G) Time periods in the model / 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54,57, 60,63,66,69,72,75,78,81,84,87,90,93,96,99,102,105,108,111, 114,117,120,123,126,129,132,135,138,141,144,147,150/, A(T) Life-cycle /0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21,24,27,30,33,36,39,42,45,48,51,54/; * We need some special sets to identify key time periods and * generations. SETS TFIRST(T) First period in the model, TLAST(T) Last period in the model, ATGEN(G) Generations with terminal assets; * These special sets are identified by their order in the * declaration. TFIRST(A) = YES$(ORD(A) EQ 1); TLAST(T) = YES$(ORD(T) EQ CARD(T)); ATGEN(G) = YES$((CARD(G)-CARD(A)+1) LT ORD(G)); * There are three types of households: SET H Households /PATIENT, IMPATIENT, WEALTHY/; * Aliases used to manipulate sets. ALIAS (G,GG,YR), (T,TT), (A,AA), (H,HH); *===================================================================== * Introduce fundamental parameters *===================================================================== SCALARS RBAR_A Annual interest rate /0.05/, GAMMA_A Annual population growth rate /0.01/, THETA Exponent in intertemporal utility /4.00/; * Modify annual rates of change to the time interval between * solution periods: SCALARS RBAR Periodic interest rate, GAMMA Periodic population growth rate; RBAR = (1+RBAR_A)**TIMINT - 1; GAMMA = (1+GAMMA_A)**TIMINT - 1; PARAMETER NUMBER(H) Relative numbers of households /WEALTHY 1, PATIENT 2, IMPATIENT 10/; SCALAR CAD0 Current account deficit (calibrated); *===================================================================== * Time profiles *===================================================================== * Declare parameters relating values to intertemporal sets and use * annual growth and interest rates to create time profiles consistent * with the interval between solution periods. PARAMETERS YEAR(G) Point in time, AGE(A) Age at a given point in the life cycle, PREF(G) Reference price path (present value price index), QREF(G) Reference quantity path (index of population size), CONSUM(A,H) Consumption profile BQDISTR(A) Bequest distribution ENDOW(A,H) Endowment profile BEQUEST(G,GG,H) Bequest (present value) by household H generation G, BQR(A,H) Period 0 bequest receipts BQV(H) Bequestion value for household H PVBQ(G,H) Present value bequest BQN(H) Net bequests received by period 0 generation ESUBB(G,H) Top-level elasticity bw consumption and bequests, BETA_B(A,H) Average bequest as fraction of residual income BETA(H) Average bequest (fraction of wealth) /WEALTHY 0.01/ XI(H) Bequest elasticity wrt income /WEALTHY 2/; * Initialize these parameters to 0: BEQUEST(G,GG,H) = 0; ESUBB(G,H) = 0; * Time periods and ages can be identified by the order of the relevant * set using the fact that each period has a length of 5 years, and that * generations are labeled according to the year they are born and live * for 55 years. YEAR(G) = INIYEAR + TIMINT * (ORD(G)-1); AGE(A) = TIMINT * (ORD(A)-1); SCALAR LIFESPAN; LIFESPAN = SMAX(A, YEAR(A)) - YEAR("0"); * Declare indices for population size and present value prices. PREF(G) = 1 /(1+RBAR_A)**YEAR(G); QREF(G) = (1+GAMMA_A)**YEAR(G); * Use ages and years to set up correspondence from generations, life * cycle and year: SET MAPG(G,A,YR) Assignment from generation and age to time period; MAPG(G,A,YR) = YES$(YEAR(G)+AGE(A) EQ YEAR(YR)); * Endowment profile for rich as in Auerbach and Kotlikoff (1987): ENDOW(A,"WEALTHY") = EXP(4.47 + 0.033*AGE(A) - 0.00067 * AGE(A)**2); ENDOW(A,"PATIENT") = ENDOW(A,"WEALTHY"); * Assume a "flatter" endowment profile for the impatient reflecting a * lower rate of human capital formation in early years: ENDOW(A,"IMPATIENT") = SQRT(ENDOW(A,"PATIENT")); * Endowment profiles are scaled to an economy-wide level of 1 in the * base year. ENDOW(A,H) = NUMBER(H) * ENDOW(A,H) / SUM((AA,HH), (1+GAMMA)**(1-ORD(AA)) * NUMBER(HH) * ENDOW(AA,HH)); * Define bequest distribution. This is the fraction of a $ of bequests * in a given year recieved by genereations as defined by their age in * that year. It is assumed that only those between the age of 10 and 20 * recieve bequests according to the following formula. BQDISTR(A)$((10 LE AGE(A)) AND (AGE(A) LE 20)) = 0.14 + AGE(A)*0.038 + AGE(A)*AGE(A)*(-0.002); * Scale these to sum to unity. BQDISTR(A) = BQDISTR(A) / SUM(AA, BQDISTR(AA)); * Compute the base year bequest. The bequest given by households in * generation 0 is related to labor income and the level of bequests * they receive during the their lifetime. BQV(H) = BETA(H) * SUM(A, PREF(A)*ENDOW(A,H)) / (1-BETA(H)*SUM(A,BQDISTR(A)*PREF(A)*QREF(A))); * Compute beqeust receipts for the generations alive in period 0. * Bequests are distributed in the final period of economic activity for * a given generation, so period 0 bequests are distributed by the * oldest generation. BQR(A,H) = BQDISTR(A) * BQV(H) * ((1+RBAR)/(1+GAMMA))**(CARD(A)-1); * Net bequest receipts for generation 0 households. BQN(H) = SUM(A, BQR(A,H)*QREF(A)*PREF(A)) - BQV(H); * Infer present value of bequest receipts to generation G from * generation GG for all generations from the bequest receipts in year 0. LOOP((G,GG,A,TLAST)$((YEAR(G)+LIFESPAN EQ YEAR(GG)+AGE(A)) AND (YEAR(G)+LIFESPAN LE YEAR(TLAST))), BEQUEST(G,GG,H)$BETA(H) = BQDISTR(A)*BQV(H)*QREF(G)*PREF(G);); * The present value bequest by generation G is the sum of all bequests * to generations GG. PVBQ(G,H) = SUM(GG, BEQUEST(G,GG,H)); * Impose exogenous consumption profiles. CONSUM(A,"WEALTHY") = 1 + AGE(A)*(1.2620/1E2 + AGE(A) * (4.8180/1E4 + AGE(A) * (-9.5569)/1E6)); CONSUM(A,"PATIENT") = CONSUM(A,"WEALTHY"); CONSUM(A,"IMPATIENT") = 1; * Scale consumption for budget balance. CONSUM(A,H) = CONSUM(A,H)*(SUM(AA, ENDOW(AA,H)*PREF(AA))+BQN(H)) / SUM(AA, CONSUM(AA,H)*PREF(AA)); * Compute bequest as shares of remaining life time income for * generations in year 0. BETA_B(A,H) = BQV(H) / (BQV(H) + SUM(AA$(AGE(AA) GE AGE(A)), PREF(AA)*CONSUM(AA,H))); * Compute elasticity of substitution between top level consumption * index and bequests according to formula. ESUBB(G,H)$XI(H) = (1-BETA(H)*XI(H)) / (XI(H)*(1-BETA(H))); LOOP(MAPG(G,A,TFIRST), ESUBB(G,H)$XI(H) = (1-BETA(H)*XI(H)) / (XI(H)*(1-BETA(H)));); * Calibrate the current account deficit as a residual: CAD0 = SUM((A,H), (CONSUM(A,H)-ENDOW(A,H))/QREF(A)); *===================================================================== * Use endowments and the calibrated consumption profiles for generation * 0 to to back out the evolution of asset holdings and distinguish * between domestic and foreign debt *===================================================================== PARAMETERS ASSETS(A,H) Present value of assets over the lifecycle, MA(A,H) Current assets by age in period 0, ASSETH Positive asset holdings by age in period 0, DEBT Net Debt by age in period 0; SCALARS DEFICIT Gross deficit among domestic households, SURPLUS Gross surplus among domestic households, THETAD Domestic share of domestic debt /1/, THETAA Domestic share of domestic assets /1/; * The present value of assets equals the sum of the value of endowments * less consumption in all previous periods of the life cycle. The asset * profile of the representative generation can then be used to find the * distribution of asset holdings accross generations alive in the base * year. ASSETS(A,H) = SUM(AA$(ORD(AA) LT ORD(A)), PREF(AA) * (ENDOW(AA,H) + QREF(AA)*BQR(AA,H) - CONSUM(AA,H))); MA(A,H) = ASSETS(A,H)/(QREF(A)*PREF(A)); * We assume that negative asset positions reflect holdings of both * domestic and foreign debt, while positive asset positions reflect * holdings of domestic assets. We assume that all age groups with * negative assets hold foreign and domestic debt in the same proportion * which means that we can use the ratio of total assets to total debt * to decompose the asset holdings by type. DEFICIT = -SUM((A,H)$(MA(A,H) LT 0), MA(A,H)); SURPLUS = SUM((A,H)$(MA(A,H) GT 0), MA(A,H)); THETAD$DEFICIT = MIN(1, SURPLUS / DEFICIT); THETAA$SURPLUS = MIN(1, DEFICIT / SURPLUS); ASSETH(A,H,"DOMESTIC")$(MA(A,H) GT 0) = MA(A,H) * THETAA; ASSETH(A,H,"FOREIGN")$(MA(A,H) GT 0) = MA(A,H) * (1-THETAA); DEBT(A,H,"DOMESTIC")$(MA(A,H) LT 0) = -MA(A,H) * THETAD; DEBT(A,H,"FOREIGN")$(MA(A,H) LT 0) = -MA(A,H) * (1-THETAD); * We model baseline assets and debt positions as inital endowments * for generations alive in year 0. PARAMETERS DASSET(*,H) Domestic asset initial endowments FASSET(*,H) Foreign asset intiial endowments; DASSET(G,H) = SUM(MAPG(G,A,"0"), ASSETH(A,H,"DOMESTIC") - DEBT(A,H,"DOMESTIC")); FASSET(G,H) = SUM(MAPG(G,A,"0"), ASSETH(A,H,"FOREIGN") - DEBT(A,H,"FOREIGN")); DASSET("TOTAL",H) = SUM(G, DASSET(G,H)); FASSET("TOTAL",H) = SUM(G, FASSET(G,H)); *===================================================================== * Use solution for reference generation to install baseline values for * all generations *===================================================================== PARAMETERS EREF(G,H,T) Baseline endowment profile, CREF(G,H,T) Baseline consumption profile, BREF(G,H,T) Time path of bequest receipts, PREF_T(A) Baseline post-terminal price path, CREF_T(G,H,A) Baseline post-terminal consumption profile, MREF(G,H) Baseline present value of consumption, RAREF(G,H) Baseline aggregate income including bequest; * We assign demand and income profiles for generation G at time T based * on endowments and the calibrated consumption profile for generation * 0. The trick here is to use a GAMS loop over the mapping which relates * generations (G), ages (A) and time periods (T): LOOP(MAPG(G,A,T), EREF(G,H,T) = QREF(G) * ENDOW(A,H); BREF(G,H,T) = QREF(T) * BQR(A,H); CREF(G,H,T) = QREF(G) * CONSUM(A,H); ); * The last model generation is born in year 150 which means that in * order to capture the full life cycle of all model generations we need * to cover a 50-year "post-terminal" period. We index these * post-terminal periods by the same index (A) that we use to index ages * in a life cycle. * Present value prices in post-terminal periods are extrapolated from * the value of the reference price index in the terminal period. LOOP((A,TLAST)$AGE(A), PREF_T(A) = PREF(TLAST) / (1 + RBAR_A)**AGE(A); ); * Consumption profiles in post-terminal periods for generation G at age * AA are inferred from the consumption levels in the initial period of * generations that have the same age. LOOP((G,A,TLAST)$(YEAR(G)+AGE(A) GT YEAR(TLAST)), CREF_T(G,H,AA)$(AGE(AA) + YEAR(TLAST) EQ AGE(A) + YEAR(G)) = CONSUM(A,H) * QREF(G); ); * Present value of consumption by generation, including post-terminal * consumption by generations who live beyond the model horizon. MREF(G,H) = SUM(T, PREF(T)*CREF(G,H,T)) + SUM(A, PREF_T(A)*CREF_T(G,H,A)); RAREF(G,H) = MREF(G,H) + SUM(GG, BEQUEST(G,GG,H)); *===================================================================== * Import and export price levels for counterfactual *===================================================================== PARAMETERS PX(T) Export price, PM(T) Import price; PX(T) = 1; PM(T) = 1; POSITIVE VARIABLES * Declare production activities. These determine how inputs are * converted into outputs according to the technology implied by the * benchmark data. The variables here are activity levels and an * equilibrium requires that each active sector earns zero profit. U(G,H) Utility X(T) Export M(T) Import * Declare prices. The variables here are the prices that are associated * with each commodity. An equilibrium requires that prices are such * that supply equals demand. PC(T) Price of private consumption, PCT(G,H,A) Price of post-terminal consumption of goods, PU(G,H) Price of intertemporal utility, PRA(G,H) Price index over consumption and bequest, PB(G,H) Bequest made by generation G, PFX Price of foreign exchange, * Income variables. These are agents that receive income from * endowments or taxes and spend it to maximize utility. The variables * here are income levels and an equilibrium requires that total income * equals total expenditure. RA(G,H) Representative agents by generation * Variables associated with model constraints that relate the * transition to the steady state. CT(G,H,A) Post-terminal consumption of goods AT(G,H) Terminal assets; * Equations asscociated with model variables. These fall into three * classes. PRF which ensure zero profit in each activity, MKT which * ensure no excess demand for each commodity, and DEF which ensure * income balance for each agent. EQUATIONS PRF_U(G,H) Utility, PRF_X(T) Export, PRF_M(T) Import, MKT_PC(T) Price of private consumption, MKT_PCT(G,H,A) Price of post-terminal consumption of goods, MKT_PU(G,H) Price of intertemporal utility, MKT_PB(G,H) Bequest made by generation G, MKT_PFX Price of foreign exchange, DEF_RA(G,H) Representative agents by generation, DEF_PRA(G,H) Price index over consumption and bequest, EQ_CT(G,H,A) Post-terminal consumption of goods, EQ_AT(G,H) Terminal assets ; * Utility is treated of as a commodity demanded by the different * generations which implies that the utility fuction is modeled as any * other production activity. The activity level here is initialized at * unity implying an overall output level equal to the present value * of consumption, MREF(G). PRF_U(G,H).. SUM(T, PREF(T) * CREF(G,H,T) * (PC(T)/PREF(T))**(1-1/THETA)) + SUM(A, PREF_T(A) * CREF_T(G,H,A) * (PCT(G,H,A)/PREF_T(A))**(1-1/THETA)) =E= MREF(G,H) * PU(G,H)**(1-1/THETA); * These equations represent zero profit in import and export activities. * The assumption of a small open economy and perfect capital mobility * implies that the price of imports is constant in current value terms. * We therefore do not need to distinguish between years, but only * operate with a single present value price for foreign exchange. The * import activity is initialized at the reference quantity path implying * an overall output level equal to the baseline trade deficit while the * export activity is initialized at zero. PRF_X(T).. PC(T) =G= PFX * PREF(T) * PX(T); PRF_M(T).. PFX * PREF(T) * PM(T) =G= PC(T); * Supply equals demand for consumption, post-terminal consumption, * and foreign exchange. MKT_PC(T).. SUM((G,H), EREF(G,H,T) + DASSET(G,H)$TFIRST(T)) + M(T) =E= SUM((G,H), CREF(G,H,T) * U(G,H) * (PU(G,H)*PREF(T)/PC(T))**(1/THETA)) + X(T); MKT_PCT(G,H,A)$CREF_T(G,H,A).. CT(G,H,A) =E= U(G,H) * (PU(G,H)*PREF_T(A)/PCT(G,H,A))**(1/THETA); MKT_PFX.. SUM(T, X(T)*PREF(T)*PX(T)) + SUM((G,H), FASSET(G,H)) + SUM((G,H)$ATGEN(G), AT(G,H)) =E= SUM(T, M(T)*PREF(T)*PM(T)); * Income balance for each generation of type H. Each household demands * "utility" and is endowed with bequests and an amount of the consumption * good in each period. In addition, generations alive in the initial * period are endowed with domestic and foreign assets. To terminate the * model, generations alive in the terminal period are required to leave * an amount of assets and are also endowed with goods for consumption in * the post-terminal periods. DEF_RA(G,H).. RA(G,H) =E= SUM(T, PC(T) * (EREF(G,H,T) + DASSET(G,H)$TFIRST(T))) + SUM(GG, PB(GG,H)*BEQUEST(GG,G,H)) + PFX * FASSET(G,H) + (PFX * AT(G,H))$ATGEN(G) + SUM(A, PCT(G,H,A) * CREF_T(G,H,A) * CT(G,H,A)); * Define price index over consumption and bequest DEF_PRA(G,H).. ( (MREF(G,H)/RAREF(G,H)) * PU(G,H)**(1-ESUBB(G,H)) + (PVBQ(G,H)/RAREF(G,H)) * PB(G,H)**(1-ESUBB(G,H)) - PRA(G,H)**(1-ESUBB(G,H)) )$(ABS(1-ESUBB(G,H)) GT 0.01) + ( PU(G,H)**(MREF(G,H)/RAREF(G,H)) * PB(G,H)**(PVBQ(G,H)/RAREF(G,H)) - PRA(G,H) )$(ABS(1-ESUBB(G,H)) LE 0.01) =E= 0; * Supply demand balance in utility market MKT_PU(G,H).. U(G,H) =E= (RA(G,H)/(RAREF(G,H)*PRA(G,H))) * (PRA(G,H)/PU(G,H))**ESUBB(G,H); * Supply demand balance in bequest market MKT_PB(G,H)$PVBQ(G,H).. PVBQ(G,H) =E= PVBQ(G,H)*(RA(G,H)/(RAREF(G,H)*PRA(G,H))) * (PRA(G,H)/PB(G,H))**ESUBB(G,H); * Select terminal asset position so that all generations living past * the terminal period achieve the same equivalent variation. EQ_AT(G,H)$ATGEN(G).. U(G,H) - U(G-1,H) =E= 0; * Select the levels of post-terminal consumption so that the present * value price declines with the steady state interest rate. EQ_CT(G,H,A)$CREF_T(G,H,A).. SUM(TLAST, PC(TLAST)) =E= PCT(G,H,A)*(1+RBAR)**(ORD(A)-1); * Define the equations entering the model and their complementary * slackness relationship with variables in the model: MODEL EXCHANGE /PRF_U.U,PRF_X.X,PRF_M.M, MKT_PC.PC,MKT_PCT.PCT,MKT_PU.PU,MKT_PB.PB, MKT_PFX.PFX,DEF_RA.RA,DEF_PRA.PRA,EQ_CT.CT,EQ_AT.AT /; *===================================================================== * Assign initial values for activity levels, prices, and auxiliary * variables: *===================================================================== U.L(G,H) = 1; PU.L(G,H) = 1; PRA.L(G,H) = 1; PFX.L = 1; PB.L(G,H) = 1; RA.L(G,H) = RAREF(G,H); X.L(T) = 0; M.L(T) = QREF(T)*CAD0; PC.L(T) = PREF(T); PCT.L(G,H,A) = PREF_T(A); CT.L(G,H,A) = 1$CREF_T(G,H,A); AT.L(G,H)$ATGEN(G) = SUM(T, CREF(G,H,T)*PREF(T)) - SUM(T, (EREF(G,H,T)+BREF(G,H,T))*PREF(T)); AT.LO(G,H) = -INF; * Numeraire: PC.FX(TFIRST) = 1; *===================================================================== * Replicate the benchmark equilibrium: *===================================================================== EXCHANGE.WORKSPACE=20; EXCHANGE.ITERLIM=0; SOLVE EXCHANGE USING MCP; DISPLAY "Benchmark tolerance CHK:",EXCHANGE.OBJVAL; * Parameters for reporting results from counterfactual experiment: PARAMETER WCHANGE Welfare change (% equivalent variation by year of birth), CADEF Current account deficit (% of benchmark consumption) C(G,H,T) Consumption levels; C(G,H,T) = CREF(G,H,T)*U.L(G,H)*(PU.L(G,H)*PREF(T)/PC.L(T))**(1/THETA); CADEF(T,"BMK") = 100 * SUM((G,H),(C(G,H,T)-EREF(G,H,T)))/SUM((G,H),C(G,H,T)); *===================================================================== * Run counterfactual: *===================================================================== * Change the exchange rate as reflected in the price of imports and * exports. Initial holdings of foreign assets are fixed so this * represents a sudden fall in the price of foreign assets which helps * the poor who have negative assets, but hurts the rich. PM(T)$(YEAR(T) GT 10) = 1.25; PX(T)$(YEAR(T) GT 10) = 1.25; OPTION SYSOUT=ON; EXCHANGE.ITERLIM=10000; SOLVE EXCHANGE USING MCP; * Compute welfare changes and current account deficit: C(G,H,T) = CREF(G,H,T)*U.L(G,H)*(PU.L(G,H)*PREF(T)/PC.L(T))**(1/THETA); WCHANGE(G,H) = 100 * (U.L(G,H) - 1); CADEF(T,"bequest") = 100 * SUM((G,H), (C(G,H,T)-EREF(G,H,T))) / SUM((G,H),C(G,H,T)); *===================================================================== * Display statements *===================================================================== DISPLAY YEAR,AGE,PREF,QREF,ATGEN,BQV,BQR,BQN,BEQUEST,PVBQ,ESUBB,CAD0; DISPLAY EREF,CREF,CREF_T,MREF,ASSETH,DEBT,DASSET,FASSET; DISPLAY WCHANGE, CADEF, ASSETS;