$title Interior Point QP versus NLP for Entropy-Based Matrix Balancing
* Compare efficiency of nonlinear programming formulation as
* compared with sequential quadratic programming for solving
* a matrix balancing problem.
* Thomas F. Rutherford
* Ann Arbor, MI
* September, 2006
* Define the solvers to use in this test. What the heck, why
* not let the Danes duke it out?
option nlp=conopt;
option qcp=mosek;
* Define the test problem dimension here or on the command line:
$if not set dimen $set dimen 100
set i SAM rows and column indices /1*%dimen%/;
alias (i,j);
parameter sam(i,j) Base year social accounts (random);
* Generate a random sparse matrix:
loop((i,j)$(uniform(0,1) > 0.1), sam(i,j) = uniform(0,1););
set nz(i,j) Non-zero structure of the data;
parameter es0(i,j) Reference point for QP approximation;
nz(i,j) = yes$(sam(i,j) > 0);
* Balance the SAM using least squares
variable obj Objective -- least squares deviation;
variable es(i,j) Estimated matrix;
equations entobj Defines the entropy norm
qpobj Norm for QP approxmiation to entropy norm,
balance(i) SAM balance condition;
qpobj.. obj =e= sum(nz(i,j), log(es0(i,j)/sam(i,j))*(es(i,j)-es0(i,j)) +
entobj.. obj =e= sum(nz(i,j), es(i,j) * (log(es(i,j)/sam(i,j))-1));
balance(i).. sum(nz(i,j), es(i,j)) =e= sum(nz(j,i), es(j,i));
es.l(i,j) = sam(i,j);
es.fx(i,j)$(sam(i,j) = 0) = 0;
model entropyqp /qpobj, balance/;
model entropy /entobj, balance/;
parameter reslog Resource log
qpadjust Adjustment in the QP reference point
dev Current deviation /1/;
* Impose a lower bound:
es.lo(i,j) = sam(i,j)/100;
set qpiter QP iterations /qp0*qp10/;
es0(i,j) = sam(i,j);
solve entropyqp using QCP minimizing obj;
reslog(qpiter) = entropyqp.resusd;
qpadjust(qpiter) = sum((i,j), abs(es.l(i,j)-es0(i,j)));
dev = qpadjust(qpiter);
es0(i,j) = es.l(i,j);
display qpadjust;
es0(i,j) = es.l(i,j);
* Initiate the NLP from the same starting point:
es.l(i,j) = sam(i,j);
solve entropy using NLP minimizing obj;
reslog("NLP") = entropy.resusd;
reslog("Deviation") = sum((i,j), abs(es.l(i,j)-es0(i,j)));
display reslog;
Results from my IBM X40 (1 GHZ):
---- 12 PARAMETER reslog Resource log
nlp qp qp0 qp1 qp2 qp3
100 5.9 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4
250 124.2 7.6 1.8 1.9 1.9 1.9
500 1013.8 33.9 8.8 8.6 8.2 8.3